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Join Our Free Webinar & Live Nurse Q&A + get £50 off a Scan & Consultation: Mon 10th Mar 6pm

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"Overall, we had a great experience - 100% positive and the staff was amazing."

So I never had any fertility treatment before in my life so abc ivf was my first. We were like ‘let’s go’ - if we want to kind of be sure or have a bit more chances to have a positive pregnancy, let's go straight away with the IVF.

We did the first consultation with Anna and found out that she was not really suitable. So, rather than wasting time, we were just like ‘Okay, I’ll do it’. Even if I don't have any medical problem or fertility issues I was like 'let's keep the IVF’ because I was a bit more comfortable knowing that there were more chances to get pregnant.

We didn't know anyone, personally. We didn’t have any same sex friends couple, so we were relying on the internet and YouTube. We know that other people did it and are doing it. It was very reassuring and important for us, it was like ‘We can do it. If they’ve done it, we can do it too!’

The medication process was the scariest part for me. Thankfully, I had Anna and she was very on it. If we had any concern, if we had some problems, or we were not sure that we were remembering everything, we would call the clinic and they would tell us the process again. So, there was nothing that we were like afraid of.

Roberta, Anna and baby

It was smooth and easy process even though I needed to remember that we have to do it at a certain time. I like to be on a schedule. This is just me. So, it was easy to remember that we had a certain routine that we had to follow. In the end it was not even a month and it was all done. Then the fresh embryo transfer where we got out first photo of him, nobody has that, you know! Who can have this?!

I cannot recommend abc enough because, from the very first day we were supported all the way and we felt comfortable. Everything was so positive and we’re just so happy about that, we can't actually wait to go through it again. Overall, we had a great experience - 100% positive and the staff was amazing. My whole pregnancy was just perfect. I didn't really have any problem whatsoever. And so I cannot really recommend enough this abc clinic.

Oh my god, when we found out we were pregnant, they call us in the afternoon and we were shaking and the lady was kind enough she was like ‘I'm so happy to tell you that it's so positive... it's VERY very positive’!

Roberta & Anna x

Watch Roberta & Anna's interview