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Liza and Andrea's Successful IVF story | abc ivf

We thought we weren't going to be able to afford IVF treatment until we came across abc 

As we are a same-sex couple, we obviously can't conceive naturally, and we didn’t qualify for NHS treatment. We had tried before with IUI, and we were unsuccessful. So, we moved on to IVF and went to the doctors who referred us to another IVF clinic, but we didn't like them. We then went online, and found others that were local to us and abc ivf Nottingham was one of the first few that popped up. And it was the one that we liked the most.

We thought we weren't going to be able to afford IVF treatment until we came across abc

We found abc ivf online just from searching IVF clinics near me. The main thing that attracted us to the clinic was the price. As young adults. starting our life together, paying bills, etcetera, and we had just gotten married. We were looking for something affordable. The payment plan option at abc was essentially a life saver. The prices were a lot better for us as well.

When we actually met the team, we were so comfortable with our fertility specialist, we absolutely loved her. She was amazing and so helpful.

The staff at abc treated us really well, I can't fault them in any way at all.They went above and beyond on all fronts, even simple things. Andrea had to have a blood test, and she is terrible around needles, but they gave her a lollipop. It's those silly little things that just made everything happy or more.


When I found out I was pregnant I didn't believe it. It definitely took a while to sink in for the first time that we were, so we had the egg retrieval in December last year and we had a fresh transfer and that one unfortunately failed. So when we were doing this frozen transfer, I think we were already sort of half expecting the bad news.

It was easier not to get your hopes up than to be let down again. But then when we saw the test, we were absolutely ecstatic. And so grateful to the clinic and everything for everything that you guys have done for us.

We've still got a long way to go but life has changed dramatically already. Preparing everything, we've just bought a new car, but we now think about the baby and fitting a buggy in the boot. We're, sort of getting prepared in that sense, but obviously not officially the sleepless nights yet.

We would 100% recommend abc to other lesbian couples without question!

I wouldn't recommend anywhere else to be honest. Because of all the reasons we've mentioned affordability, the friendliness, the helpfulness, just how comfortable we felt in the clinic ourselves.

When it comes time for baby number 2,3,4, however many we have, we will always come back to abc ivf.

Advice we’d give to other couples who want to start treatment. To be honest, just go through the initial consultation because you'll have a million and one questions and the only people that can give you the true answers are the team at abc, the fertility specialist. We had a bunch of questions that we never really had the answers from the initial clinic that we were referred to by the GP, that's one of the reasons it was a big no for us. And everybody's different, aren't they? Somebody might have said not to have treatment, but somebody else might have said they could support us.

There's a lot of things going around social media about other people's experience. The only people that can tell you about you and your likelihood, and all of that stuff are the doctors. It's great to hear other people's experiences and you know, good on them for sharing it, cause it's not an easy process to go through. We've actually got a Tik Tok account following our sort of journey, but we always made a point of saying that every journey is unique and personal to you, so take it with a pinch of salt.