Join our Free IVF Webinar with Live Q&A and benefit from our PATHTOPARENTHOOD Support Package. Tue 25th Feb at 6pm. More info

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Join our Free IVF Webinar with Live Q&A and benefit from our PATHTOPARENTHOOD Support Package. Tue 25th Feb at 6pm. More info

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Edyta Roguska, Senior Fertility Midwife

Edyta is an experienced Senior Fertility Midwife. She received a Professional Bachelor Degree in Poland in 2010 and practised for 2 years on the hospital ward. In 2011, she started working in the field of assisted conception in the private sector. She then moved to the UK and started working as a Fertility Midwife Specialist in an IVF clinic in the North West. 

Edyta joined abc ivf as she strongly believes in the philosophy of the clinic. As a midwife, her priority is to care about women's health, so being a part of team thinking the same way is the most rewarding career journey.

In addition to her Midwifery degree, she also has a degree in Law with the main interest of medical law. 
