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Join Our Free Webinar & Live Nurse Q&A + get £50 off a Scan & Consultation: Mon 10th Mar 6pm

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"I would definitely recommend abc ivf to anyone who needs fertility treatment"

I never imagined we would need fertility treatment. For the first few years of our marriage we just thought things were going to happen naturally. After a few years we started to really wish for a baby and started trying to conceive. We had been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for 2 years and then we became worried. I did go for fertility treatment in India but that didn’t work out. The healthcare experts were very unsympathetic so I decided to stop. It was such an emotional time for me and I wanted a team who would understand and support me though what I’m going through. Once we moved to the UK, we decided to find a clinic and try again.

We did got to our GP first and they referred us to our local fertility clinic for some assessments to start with. After we had completed all the investigations, we were informed that our case was a case of unexplained infertility. They had put me on a few rounds of hormone treatment but sadly that didn’t work so the next step was to go for IVF. Due to the area we lived in, our IVF treatment could not be funded by the NHS so we knew we had to go private.

We began our research and came across abc ivf when searching for more affordable clinics near us. The price of treatment was very important to us; the price would be the difference between us being able to do one cycle or trying a few times and given that the success rates for IVF are around 30% per cycle we were realistic and accepted that it might not work the first time.

We really wanted to know how they were able to offer IVF at such a low cost so we dug a little deeper and were happy with what we found. abc seemed like a great clinic so we decided to book an Initial Consultation.

The initial Consultant and Scan was really straight forward. We gained lots of information from it. The doctor we saw was very friendly and that gave us a lot of confidence, especially after the experience we had in India. It filled us with comfort and confidence in the team at abc.

Saritha and Saratha's baby

We decided to go ahead with treatment but unfortunately the cycle had to be stalled due to me being at risk of OHSS. The team advised us to freeze all the embryos created from that cycle and come back at a later date for a frozen embryo transfer once my body had recovered from the stimulation. To be completely honest I was a little bit disappointed and frustrated when this happened. I was set on having a fresh transfer and having a baby as soon as possible, however the team explained all the health risks to me and that my health was the most important thing to them. We agreed to freeze the embryos and started the recovery process with their support. I have since spoken to a few patients who had gone to other clinics where they didn’t receive proper medical care and ended up with OHSS so looking back I am really happy that the team were so cautious. I am really thankful they gave me the right advice.

The first cycle ended in a chemical pregnancy which was absolutely heartbreaking. The treatment in itself is overwhelming and as much as you mentally prepare yourself that the first cycle is likely to fail, I was still so broken. I almost gave up, however, we decided to take a few months break and go back for another FET once I felt ready.

The second FET cycle went really well and when the pregnancy blood test came back positive it was the best day of our lives. We were over the moon.

I would definitely recommend abc ivf to anyone who needs fertility treatment because they helped me have a great journey. Dealing with infertility isn’t straight forward and all cases are different however I truly believe that a great clinic supports their patients and does whatever they can to make this overwhelming journey as easy as possible and abc ivf did that for me. Even if the second FET would have been unsuccessful I would still recommend abc!

Life as a parent is so fun! Of course, it’s also difficult and a lot of hard work, but overall it’s great. We wouldn’t have it any other way; we are absolutely in love with him. If everything goes well, we want to go back to abc ivf next year for a second baby. We still have 5 embryos frozen so we would love to go back to complete our family. Thanks abc!

Sarath & Saritha x

Watch Sarath & Saritha's interview